Monday, October 22, 2012

Hi friends, it's Tuesday, 10/23.     Well, for today I will continue on the transistor. Look at the transistor as a faucet. Water will flow but controllable by the handle. So with the tranny. The Base is the handle, the Emitter the input and the Collector the outflow. We like the faucet to be opened at a certain point. So with the tranny. We call it biasing. A bit of pus to turn it on. We can uise a single resistor from the plus line to the base , such as 180k. But it is more stable to put a voltage divider. In fact if you are designing, use a variable resistor across the power lines. The wiper moves across choosing the right bias to the Base. Or fixed one and make the other one variable.

    In the diagram shown, the biases are the 33k to plus and the 15k to minus. Here it is shown on the TX mode. Note the Crystal to ground via a 403 to Base.

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