Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hi Good Friday Morning!  I have not scanned my diagram but we can spend sometime discussing ceertain basics. Let us start with the transistor.

     Transistors can be used for our projects would be the following:

BC547       CBE
C945          ECB

     Be careful of the pin configuration especially that of the BC547. If you are looking at the flat side, left pin is C. Most transistors have E on that side. A transistor can be configured as a common Emitter amplifier, Common Base and Common Collector. The most popular is the common Emitter. But for our oscillators, the common Base is used. This means that the base is held fixed, rigid and the signal is fed into the C and E. You will note that the coil will be on the C and sometimes they say it a load on the C. While that is correct, I like to see the coil as inputting its signal into the C of the transistor. You will note there is a capacitor between C and E. THE PURPOSE OF THIS CAP IS TO TRANSFER THE SIGNAL FROM THE COIL AT C TO THE E OF THE TRANSISTOR. E is also an input, remember. B is not an input pin in a common Base configuration.


     The DC set up or DC circuit of a transistor is the biasing. The transistor should be brought to a desirable condition so it becomes sensitive. Look at the OSCILLATOR, we have the critical forward and reverse biases to the Base. If we view the two resistors across the power supply, they form a voltage divider. IN OTHER WORDS, THERE IS AN IDEAL VOLTAGE TO THE BASE OF THE TRANSISTOR. The series resistors on the Emitter leg also contributes to the bias and it also limits the current flow across the C E junctions.

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