Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hi, it's a new week, Oct 29. November is near.

     Anyone who would like to build this simple Walkie Talkie can contact me for advice.

Antenna: The longer the antenna the better but it may not fit your enclosure.  Also a pi network has to be included to match your antenna. It is a simple 2 capacitors before and after an inductor.


     Let's talk about frequency.  The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Remember that. That is why making a WT in the AM broadcast band about 1 megahertz is not practical. 27 Megs happens to be just the allowed band by the U.S. FCC. Then they allowed at 49Megs. Newer WTs for the US market are on 49Mhz. They allowed for shorter antenna. Now, if we can go 100 Mhz, which is in the FM band, then antenna could be much smaller. A good example is the FM wireless microphones. Can we build a walkie talkie in the FM band?Well, just outside the commercial band  so where it is  unoccupied.  It is easy to make the wireless mic. Circuits are all over the WEB and Alexan Commercial carries a local kit. Now, if we can make a simple DIY FM receiver, that will be fun. An FM walkie talkie. It has clarity advantage but not so much on range. Perhaps we can increase the TX power so we can go 100 to 200 feet! Not bad if it just for camping and biking trips. Or Boy's Scout camps. Or sleeping in tents in the HS campus. Future projects!

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